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Evening Dome II - Whitley Bay 40x50cm framed canvas, in our unique Foto2FineArt finish.

Converted into a fine art print from an original photograph giving a unique look exclusive to us.

Our framed canvas is hand made in the UK by bonding the printed canvas onto a board and coated in a clear varnish to give a stunning finish. It is light weight, durable and easy to clean.





Evening Dome II 40x50cm Framed Canvas

  • Overall size is approximately 44x54cm

    Image size is 40x50cm

    Our framed canvas images are printed on a high quality 260 gsm canvas sheet. Coated in a matt varnish and framed in our wide groove style frame. 

    Any of our own images, including your own can be printed and framed. For more details contact us at 

    Designed & Made in the UK  by Select


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